Friday, October 15, 2010

10/11 Quads & Calfs
Front Squat - 165x5, 185x3, 210x2
Leg Extension - 110x10x2
Goblet Squat - 90x12x3
Split Squat - 115x10x3
Calf Raise - 50x15x5

10/13 Chest & Tris
Bench Press - 165x5,185x3,210x5
Incline DB - 65x8x2
Dips - x17,14,10,9
Rack Push Up - x15,14
Tricep Press Down - 70x10x3, 60x8(drop set)
Tricep Extension - 60x12x3
30 minutes on bike

10/14 Back & Hams
Pull Ups - BW + 20x6x3
Deads - 215x5, 245x3,270x3
Bench Row - 160x8x3
Seated Row - 110x12x3
Leg Curl - 110x8x3
Single Leg Leg Curl - 45x12x3
30 minutes on treadmill

10/15 Delts & Bis
Seated Side Lateral - 20x8x3
Front Raise - 15x10x2
ss. w/
Rear Delt Face Pull - 60x12x2
Bar Curl - 85x6x3, 65x3(drop set)
Rope Curl - 60x10x3
15 sprints on bike

Energy has been getting lower and lower as the week goes. Pretty hard to get in the gym, don't even take bcaa's between meals because i don't feel like it, sometimes don't have dinner cause i just wanna go to bed. Not really sure what is going on. There are a few hours in the mornings and afternoons where I'll be good with energy levels and then other times I really crap out.

Friday, September 10, 2010

9/10 - Back and Hams
Pull Ups - x8,7,6,4
Bent Over Row - 2 warms/205x8x3
Straight Arm Pull Down - 1 warm/60x10x3
SLDL - 2 warms/205x8x3
Leg Curl - 1 warm/70x10x3
1 Leg Leg Curl - 1 warm/40x10

30 minutes on bike
5 min warm up
15 sprints @ level 10
10 minute cool down

Thursday, September 9, 2010

9/9 Delts & Tris
Alt. DB Shoulder Press - 2 warms/50x6,55x6x2,60x6
Cable Side Lateral - 1 warm/12.5x8x3
Rear Delt Cable Pull Down - 107.5x10x3
Skull Crusher - 1 warm/70x8,80x8,90x8
1 Arm Rope Press Down - 4x35x10

30 minutes on treadmill @ 3.2 mph & 6% incline

Kept form strict today. Pretty happy with the db shoulder press number, deciding to have one arm up to increase TUT. Finished up the workout in about 30 minutes.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

9/7 Quads & Calves

Trap Bar Deadlift - 2 warms/255x6,265x6,280x6,290x10
Leg Extensions - 2 warms/65x10x2
Front Squat - 1 warm/165x8x3
Walking Lunge - 35x12x3
Seated Calf Press - 90x25x5

30 minutes on the bike @ level 3

Decided to remove back squat for the next 3 weeks and reduce spinal loading. Went with trap bar as my main exercise and am pretty satisfied with my open set, grip gave out so definitely time to invest in some chalk. Was thinking about going with back squat over front squat but decided that even though trap bar is basically a front squat from the floor I needed to give my spine a break for a few weeks. This prep is going to be a long one so trying to ensure it stays injury free. Walking lunges were a good finish, really worked on opening up my stride. Diet has been on point since the changes were made sunday.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Weight: 168.2 (-.8)
Waist: 32.75 (-.25)

9/6 Chest & Bi's
Floor Press - 2 warms,180x6,185x6,190x6,195x11
Alternating DB 30 degree Incline Press - 2 warms/60x10x2
Cable Fly - 80x10x3
Hammer Curl - 2 warms/40x6x3
Close Grip Curl - 1 warm/45x8x2,65x8
1 Arm Cable Curl - 1 warm/35x10

Buddy of mine wanted to workout and do upper body so I moved chest to today. Workout was one of my best. Floor Press was a good change up from bench. Deciding to do alternating db press to get some more TUT. Kept a fast pace and finished up in a bout 35 minutes. My fiancee was sick this past weekend and I think this is why I felt so crappy last week, was probably sick but didn't realize it since it didn't hit me as bad as she got it. Explains the fatigue, tiredness, and decrease in strength.

Friday, September 3, 2010

9/2 - Back and Hams
Pull Ups - x8,5,4,4
Bent Over Row - 2 warms/155x8x3
Straight Arm Pull Down - 1 warm/50x10x3
SLDL - 2 warms/205x6x3
Ball Leg Curl - 10x2
1 Leg Leg Curl - 1 warm/35x10

30 minutes on bike @ level 3

9/3 - Delts, Triceps, and HIIT
DB Press - 30x8x3
Cable Side Lateral - 10x10x3
Rear Delt - 70x12x3
Skull Crusher - 35x10x3
1 Arm Rope Press Down - 30x12x4

5 minute warm up
Bike sprints @ level 10
10 minute cool down

Felt really run down by wednesday. Decided to scale back on the weights for the rest of the week, lots of early mornings and little hours of sleep and currently cycling off of stims. Got good workouts in and felt like I worked but didn't tax myself more than I needed to. Hopefully a good weekend of rest will help too.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

8/31 Chest & Bi's

8/31 Chest and Biceps

Bench Press - 3 warms/170x6,190x6,210x6,230x1
30 degree DB Incline Press - 2 warms/70x8x2
Standing Cable Fly - 65x10x3
Hammer Curl - 2 warms/40x5/45x5x2
Close Grip Curl - 1 warm/50x8x3
1 Arm Cable Curl - 1 warm/30x12

10 min on treadmill @ 7% and 3.4 mph
10 min on bike @ level 3
10 min on step mill @ level 7

I know I wasn't supposed to barbell bench but i wanted to go for 230 and i got crushed on it. Definitely time to cycle the movement. Gym was playing quite possibly the worst music ever and was hard to get into the workout after the bench fiasco. Hit some decent weight regardless.

Monday, August 30, 2010

8/30 Quads & Calves

Weight: 169 (no change)
Waist: 33 (no change)

8/30 - Quads & Calfs
Back Squat - 3 warms/265x6,285x6,305x6,325x6
Leg Extension - 2 warms/65x10,80x10
Trap Bar Dead Lift - 165x10,185x10,205x10
Walking Lunge - 30x12x3
Calf Press - 50x25x5

Not sure why weight and waist stalled, did begin to take bcaa's between meals so it is more than likely that. Killed back squat and gutted through the last 2 reps. Trap Bar dead lift felt good and really hit the quads well. Lunges were a good finisher.

Friday, August 27, 2010

8/25-8/27 - HIIT, Back, Shoulders

8/25 - HIIT
Recumbent Bike
5 min warm up
10 sprints @ level 9
10 minute cooldown
Kept at level 3 for everything else

8/26 Back & Hams
Lat Pull Down Underhand - 2 warms/177.5x6/187.5x6/197.5x6
T Bar Row - 2 warms/165x8,6,6
DB Deads - 110x8x2
High Cable Row - 215x12,10,10
GHR - x8,7,5,5
Leg Curl - 1 warm/100x10

8/27 Shoulders & Tri's
Side Laterals - 2 warms/40x6x3
Shrugs - 2 warms/255x8x3
DB High Incline Press - 1 warm/70x8x3
Dips - x13,12,8,8
Rope Press - 1 warm/50x10x3
Reverse Press - 1 warm/105x10

30 minutes on treadmill @ 3.4 mph and 6% incline

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

8/24 Chest & Bi's

8/24 Chest & Bi's

Slight Inc Bench - 2 warms/185x6,195x6,205x6,225x5
DB Incline - 2 warms/75x8x2
DB Fly - 1 warm/35x10x2
Inc DB Curl - 2 warms/45x5x3
Cable Curl - 1 warm/75x10x3
1 Arm Preacher - 1 warm/40x10

30 minutes on treadmill @ 3.2 mph & 7% incline

Monday, August 23, 2010

8/23 Quads & Calfs

8/23 Quads & Calfs

Squat - 3 warms/255x6,275x6,295x6,315x6
Hack Squat - 2 warms/185x8x3
Goblet Squat - 30x15x4
DB Split Squat - 40x10x3
DB Calf Press - 40x15x5

Nailed my goal of hitting 315 today. Once I got under the bar it was on. All reps went up pretty smoothly, setting a goal of hitting 405 during prep which will be the most I've ever back squatted. Word

Saturday, August 21, 2010

8/18 - HIIT 8/19- Back & Hams 8/20 - Shoulders & Triceps

8/18 - HIIT
5 minute warm up
10 sprints @ level 7
10 minute cool down

8/19- Back & Hams
Underhand Lat Pull Down - 2 warms/175x6,185x6,195x6
T Bar Row - 2 warms/155x8,7,7
DB Deads - 105x10x2 sets
High Cable Row - 200x12x3 sets
Glute Ham Raise - x7,6,4,5
Leg Curls - 1 warm/90x11

8/20 - Shoulders & Triceps
Side Laterals - 2 warms/35x6x3 sets
Shrugs - 2 warms/265x8x3 sets
High Incline Press - 1 warm/65x8x3 sets
Dips - x13,12,11,11
Rope Press - 1 warm/62x5x10x3 sets
Reverse Press - 1 warm/100x10

8/21 - Weight & Waist
169.2 (-2.8 lbs)
33" (-.5")

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

8/17 Chest & Bi's & LISS

8/17 Chest & Bi's & LISS

Bench Press - 2 warms/185x6/195x6/205x6/215x6
Incline DB - 2 warms/70x8x2 sets
Fly - 1 warm/30x12x3 sets
Incline Curl - 2 warms/40x6,6,5
Cable Curl - 1 warm/70x10x3 sets
1 Arm Preacher Curl - 1 warm/35x10

30 minutes @ 3.2 mph & 6% incline on the treadmill.

Decided to go back to ascending sets, straight sets just seem to stall my strength levels. 215 went up pretty easily for the first 5, grind-ed out the 6th. Rest of the workout was money hitting new weights for my rep ranges.

Monday, August 16, 2010

8/16 Quads & Calfs

Weight: 172 (-1)
Waist: 33.5 (-.5")

8/16 - Quads & Calfs

Squats - 4 warms/255x6,265x6,275x6,300x6
Hack Squat - 2 warms/175x8x3 sets
Goblet Squat - 25x15x4 sets
DB Split Squat - 35x12x3 sets
DB Calf Press - 35x15x5 sets

Went beast mode in the gym today. My friend got buried by 275 on his first rep and my goal of getting back to a 300 lb squat was decided to get done today. I loaded it up, got psyched up and nailed it for 6. Felt awesome afterward until I got to hack squats, lol. Did goblet squats instead of sissy squats cause the version I've been doing is killer and the knees. Very satisfied with the progress I've been making, really looking forward to being ready early and just fine tuning the last few weeks going in.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

8/12 - Back & Hams

8/12 - Back & Hams
Underhand Pull Down - 2 warms/190x8,7,5
T Bar Rows - 2 warms/100x8,8,6
DB Dead Lift - 1 warm/100x10x2 sets
High Cable Row - 200x12,12,10
Glute Ham - x5,5,6,5
Leg Curl - 1 warm/90x10

Great workout. Loving the glute ham's, nothing really beats the movement when it comes to hitting those muscles. Everything else felt solid, made some nice increases in weight and reps. Word

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

8/10 - Chest & Bi's 8/11 - HIIT

8/10 - Chest & Bi's
Slight Incline Bench Press - 2 warms/205x6x4 sets
DB Incline Bench - 2 warms/65x10,8
DB Fly - 1 warm/25x12x3 sets
DB Incline Curl - 2 warms/35x6x3 sets
Cable Curl - 1 warm/70x12,12,10
1 Arm Preacher Curl - 1 warm/30x12

8/11 - HIIT on the Elliptical
5 min warm up
10 sprints @ level 6
10 min cool down

Monday, August 9, 2010

8/9 - Quads & Calfs

8/9 Quads & Calfs
Squats - 4 warms/245x6,255x6,265x6,270x6
Hack Squats - 2 warms/165x10,10,10
Sissy Squats - 4 sets of 15
Split Squat - 35x10x3 sets
DB Calf Press - 30x20x5 sets

Great workout, really pumped about hitting 270 for 6, went up pretty smoothly so excited for next weeks. Hack squats were good, sissy squats destroyed my quads, and split squats always take a set to adjust to after all the previous work. word

Sunday, August 8, 2010

8/6 - Delts & Tris

Weight: 173 (-2.2)
Waist: 34 (-10/16)

Side Laterals: 2 warms/25x8,8,7
Bar Shrug: 2 warms/160x10x3 sets
High Incline DB Press: 1 warm/55x10,10,8
Dips: x17,18,15,15
Rope Press: 2 warms/70x10/60x11,11
Reverse Press: 1 warm/40x12

30 minutes on the treadmill @ 3.2 mph and 6% incline

Thursday, August 5, 2010

8/4 - HIIT 8/5 - Back & Hams

8/4 HIIT - Stationary Bike
5 minute warm up
10 sprints @ level 4
10 minute cool down

8/5 Back & Hams
Underhand Pull Downs - 2 warms/190x7,6,6
T Bar Rows - 2 warms/80x10,90x8x2
DB Dead Lift - 1 warm/100x8x2
Cable Row (High) - 65x12,70x12,100x11
Glute Hams (Assisted) - x5,5,4,4
Leg Curls - 1 warm/85x12

Not sure what it was about the stationary bike but my knees were a little sore afterward. My quads were still shot from Monday (sissy squats need a new name) but I'm going to stick with the recumbent bike or the elliptical for now.

Digging the new back movements. DB dead lifts felt a little awkward but I'm sure I'll adjust to them quickly. Glute hams were brutal, kept getting lower and lower with each rep and use a pull down bar for assistance. Pretty solid work out.

On a personal note, my grand father passed away yesterday. Didn't really hit me until I had to say the words to my fiancee. I'm going to put even more into this prep because although he still lived in Peru, he was my biggest fan. I know he'll be with me throughout this and when things get tough, I'll just think of him.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

8/3 - Chest & Bi's

8/3 - Chest & Bi's

Slight Incline Bench Press - 2 warms/195x8,8,7,6
Incline DB Press - 2 warms/60x10,9
Flat Fly - 1 warm/20x12x3 sets
Incline DB Curls - 2 warms/30x6x3 sets
Cable Curl - 1 warm/70x9,8,8
1 Arm Preacher Curl - 1 warm/30x10 ea.

30 minutes on the spin bike @ 5 turns

Solid chest workout today. Slight bench felt great, incline db was pretty brutal afterward. Kept it on the lighter side for fly's today just to get used to the movement again. Bicep work was great and a good change up.

Monday, August 2, 2010

8/2 - Quads & Calves

Weight: 175.2 (-.6)
Waist: 34 10/16 (-.5")

8/2 - Quads & Calves
Squats - 2 warms/215x8,225x8,235x8,245x6
Hack Squats - 2 warms/155x10x2
Sissy Squats - 4 sets of 15
Split Squat - 30x10,12,12
DB Calf Raise - 25x15,20,20,20,20

Very happy about the reduction on the waist measurement and only losing a little more than half a pound. Surprised my body is still making changes at the same macro breakdown for 4 weeks with no changes in cardio either. Brutal leg session today. Haven't done hack squats in awhile but they felt great. Sissy squats had my quads blown up, I could barely hit split squats afterward. Word

Friday, July 30, 2010

7/30 - Delts & Tris

7/30 - Delts & Tris

DB Shoulder Press - 2 warms/65x8,7,6,6
DB Lateral Raises - 1 warm/20x10,10,8
DB Front Raises - 1 warm/20x10x3 sets
Triceps Press Downs - 2 warms/80x10,9,7
DB Triceps Extension - 1 warm/65x12,12,10
1 Arm Underhand Press Down - 1 warm/60x11 ea.

30 minute treadmill @ 3.2 mph & 6% incline

Very happy with the strength increases I made throughout this 4 week cycle. Looking forward to adding some new movements and changing up the set and rep ranges. Left with a great pump through my arms and am pretty psyched up for this prep. Got a long road to go but I'm very prepared for it.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

7/28 HIIT 7/29 Back & Hams

7/28 - HIIT
5 minute warm up
10 sprints on the elliptical at level 8
10 minute cool down

7/29 - Back & Hams
Lat Pull Downs - 2 warms/180x10,8,7
Dead Lifts - 2 warms/235x8,245x8,255x8,265x6
DB Rows - 1 warm/70x10x3 sets
Straight Arm Pull Downs - 100x10,9,7
Leg Curls - 2 warms/85x10x3 sets
DB SLDL - 1 warm/ 75x12

DE-STROYED back & ham's today. Workout was done in about 40 minutes. I do have to say the biggest benefit I gained from doing my athletic performance based programs throughout my off season has been my rest intervals. Rest is very minimal (either I go-you go or about 30-45 seconds) and strength has not suffered one bit. Dead's felt good today, back is feeling normal, felt a bit of tightening up on the last set so I cut it at 6, with another 9 months to go no real reason to be stupid and re-aggravate my low back. Word!

Diet has been very consistent, never over my macro's, sometimes under by 1-3 grams.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

7/27 Chest & Bi's

Incline DB - 2 warms/70x8x4 sets
Bench Press - 2 warms/ 185x10,9
Dips - x10,x10,x10,x8
EZ Bar Curls - 2 warms/ 75x6,6,5
Rope Curls - 1 warm/70x10x2 sets, 75x10
Concentration Curls - 1 warm/ 30x11 ea.

30 minutes on treadmill @ 3.2 mph & 6% incline.

Got after it today. I can't believe the strength gains I am currently making. Everything is so spot on in regards to nutrition, training, and supplementation.
Left with a great pump and satisfied with the progress made in this block of training.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Quads & Calves

7/26 - Quads & Calves

Weight: 175.8 (-1 lb)
Waist: 35.1 (-.4")

Leg Ext - 2 warms/ 80x10x2 sets
Squats - 2 warms/ 175x8,185x8,195x8,205x8
BB Lunge - 1 warm/ 95x10x3 sets
Sumo Squat - 130x10x3 sets
Seated Calf Singles - 45x15x5 sets

Decided to go back and try squats again and they felt great. My friend commented on how I make it look so easy to get full depth and drive through the heels. I definitely see this weight going up very quickly during the next phase of the program. Glad to see the weight and waist steadily decreasing each week. Good thing about dieting so far out is a week of no progress will not really put a dent in the prep. Having twice as long to prepare definitely has its benefits.

Friday, July 23, 2010

7/23 Delts & Tri's

DB Shoulder Press - 2 warms/60x8,7,7,6
Side Laterals - 1 warm/15x10x3 sets
Front Raises - 1 warm/ 15x12x3 sets
Triceps Press Down - 2 warms/70x10x3 sets
DB Extensions - 1 warm/60x12x2 sets, 60x10
1 Arm Underhand Press Down - 1 warm/50x12 ea.

15 minutes treadmill @ 3.0 mph & 6% incline
15 minutes treadmill @ 3.2 mph & 6% incline

Destroyed delt's today. Increased the poundage on every single lift and hit solid rep counts on each set. Delt's are definitely increasing in strength. Had a sick pump in the entire upper body going once I finished up with triceps, the size increase in my arm has been very noticeable as of late.

I've been waking up feeling a little bloated even though i usually have about 1-2 hours between my last meal and going to bed and my weight has fluctuated like crazy. Not sure if there is anything I could do, it feels like my weight goes up and down every single day. Thursday I got a good night's sleep and woke up @ 175.2, got 5 hours last and woke up @ 177.6, not sure if there is any correlation to this.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

7/21 - HIIT + 7/22 - Back & Ham's

7/21 - HIIT on the Elliptical
5 minute warm up
10 sprints @ level 8
10 minute cool down

7/22 - Back & Ham's
Pull downs - 2 warms/180x9,7,6
Deads - 2 warms/235x6x4 sets
1 Arm DB Row - 1 warm/60x10x3 sets
Straight Arm Pull downs - 90x10,10,8
Leg Curls - 2 warms80x10x3
DB SLDL - 1 warm/70x12

Solid workout today. Took it easy on the dead's, lower back felt a bit sore during the warm up sets so i stuck with one weight and paused for a quick 2 count between reps to reset myself. Everything else got destroyed. Strength is going up in almost every lift so far whether it be through more weight, more reps, or a combo of both.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

7/20 Chest & Bi's

DB Incline Bench - 2 warms/65x8x4 sets
Bench Press - 2 warms/ 185x10,8
Dips - x10,8,6,5
Ez Bar Curls - 2warms/70x6,6,4
Rope Curls - 1 warm/60x10x3 sets
Concentration Curls - 1 warm/30x10 ea.

Awesome workout today. Had great energy levels and pumps were very noticeable. Incline bench numbers are consistently going up and the weight still feels pretty light in the last 2 sets. Dip #'s are going up as well. Good to see that my bicep's are finally gaining strength since they have always been a weak point for me. Noticing more arm size too. Word!

Monday, July 19, 2010

7/19 Quads & Calfs

Sunday weight: 176.8 (-1.6)
Waist: 35.5 (-.25)

Leg Extension - 2 warms/75x10x2 sets
DB Split Squat - 2 warms/60x8x4 sets
DB Lunge - 1 warm/ 35x20x3 sets
DB Sumo Squat - 120x10x3 sets
Calf Singles - 50x12x5 sets

Crappy workout. I got bad sunburn yesterday at six flags on my shoulders so I couldn't do any barbell movements. Everything was switched to dumbbell and I just wasn't in the workout. I was going on 5 hours of sleep, just worked from 6-12 and my shoulders were on fire from attempting to do barbell split squats. I moved at a pretty fast pace between exercises and finished the lift in about 35 minutes, I was just looking forward to getting a nap in.

Friday, July 16, 2010

7/16 - Shoulders & Tri's

Seated DB Press - 55x8x3 sets/55x6
Side Laterals - 10x10x3 sets
Front Raises - 10x12x3 sets
Triceps Press Downs - 50x10/60x10/70x9
DB Extensions - 50x12/55x12x2 sets
1 Arm Underhand Press Downs - 40x12 ea.

30 minutes on treadmill @ 6% incline & 3.0 mph

Lower back was a little sore from yesterday's dead's. Lowered the weight on side laterals to focus on a good tempo. I definitely feel my shoulder strength will come up easily during this prep which will be good since I feel my shoulders and arms are my biggest weakness in comparison to everything else. Triceps got worked today, hit a big jump from last week on press downs and db extensions. Been using a long rope for press downs and i feel it allows for a greater contraction and emphasis on the triceps. Did some cardio, caught up on some blog reading and was out. Word!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

7/14 - HIIT & 7/15 - Back & Hammies

7/14 - HIIT on the Elliptical
5 minute warm up
10 sprints @ level 8
5 minute cool down (did another 5 minutes later on at work while waiting for a client)

7/15 - Back & Hammies
Pull downs - 2 warms/180x7,6,6
Deads - 2 warms/225x8/235x8/245x8/255x8
1 Arm DB Row - 1 warm/50x10x3 sets
Straight Arm Pull downs - 60x12/70x12/80x12
Leg Curls - 2 warms/65x10/70x10/75x10
DB SLDL - 1 warm/70x10

Word! Felt awesome this morning and crushed previous numbers, weights were going up pretty easily.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

7/13 Chest & Bi's

Incline DB - 2 warms/55x8x2/60x8x2
Bench Press - 2 warms/ 180x10x2
Dips - x10/7/5/5
Ez Bar Curls - 2 warms/65x6x3
Rope Curl - 1 warm/45x10/50x10/55x10
Concentration Curls - 1 warm/25x10 ea.

30 minutes on the treadmill @ 6.0% incline & 3 mph.

Despite not having a great night's sleep I killed this workout. Felt stronger as I kept going into each set. Weight and reps all increased from last week and form did not suffer one bit. I'm beginning to pull away from my training partner a bit. He can hang with me for the 1st few sets but once we hit the last 1-2 sets he starts to fatigue and I just keep getting after it.

Monday, July 12, 2010

7/12 Quads & Calfs

From Sunday
Weight:178.4 lbs
Waist: 35.75"
Strength Levels: Awesome!

Leg Extensions: 2 warms/70x10x2 sets
Back Split Squats: 2 warms/155x6/8/8/8
Barbell Lunges: 1 warm/2x70x3 sets
DB Sumo Squat: 110x12x3 sets
Calf Singles: 50x12x4 sets, 50x10

Hot one in the gym today. Split Squats had me feeling light headed after the sets. Really got focused after my first set of split squats, weight was feeling light through the last 3 sets. Pace was a little bit faster than last week's, wasn't used to hitting the legs so hard in one session. Even though I'm 39 weeks out I'm ready to do whatever it takes to bring the best package.

I was reading through's contest prep section and there was a thread about a kid who skipped out on free ticket's to the mlb all star game because he was 5 weeks out and it was a leg day. He went with the leg day. This was a good reminder to me that bodybuilding should not run one's life, it should only enhance it. We choose to diet, train, and get on stage. We are not chosen, it is an option. Never let bodybuilding run your life because you will miss out on great memories and opportunities. It took me awhile to figure this out but something I feel many people should never forget.

Friday, July 9, 2010

7/9 Delts & Triceps

Seated DB Press - 35x5/45x4/55x8x3 sets/55x6
Side Laterals - 10x5/15x9,8,8
Front Raises - 5x12/10x12x2 sets
Triceps Press Downs - 30x5/35x5/40x10/45x10/50x10
DB Extensions - 30x5/40x12/45x12x2 sets
1 Arm Underhand Press Downs - 30x5/40x12

30 minutes on treadmill @ 6% incline & 3.0 mph

Insane pump today. I'm definitely getting back into the groove of body part split training. My shoulders were on fire by the time I got to front raises, the lactic acid build up was very intense. Used the lat pull down cable tower for triceps press downs, weight is always heavier than the inside towers. Even though my body weight has been consistent this week (official weight will be done Sunday), I am seeing myself begin to tighten up. Subtle differences but this is a marathon type prep, not a race, slow and steady will win!

7/8 Back & Hammies

Overhand Pull downs - 180x6x3 sets
Dead-lifts - 225x8x4 sets
1 Arm DB Row - 40x10x3 sets
Straight Arm Pull downs - 40x12,50x12,60x10
Leg Curls - 65x8x3 sets
DB SLDL - 60x12

Great lift last night. Felt good to dead-lift, haven't done conventional in awhile and by my 3rd and 4th set I really hit my groove, looking forward to bumping these up in the next few weeks. Used a long rope attachment for the straight arm pull downs and noticed a huge difference in lat involvement.
Really concentrating on using at least an x/1/2 tempo, driving the weight up quickly, holding for 1, and taking 2 to bring it back down. Diet has been on point 100%.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

7/6 Chest & Bi's

Incline DB - 50x8x3 sets, 55x8
Bench Press - 175x10x2 sets
Chest Dips - x7,5,6,4
BB Curls - 60x6x3 sets
Rope Curls - 40x10x3 sets
Concentration Curls - 20x10 ea.

30 minutes on treadmill @ 3.0 mph & 6% incline.

Solid workout this morning. Bench was pretty brutal after 4 sets of incline db but managed to hit the 2 sets of 10, only struggled on the last 2 reps of the last set. Chest and biceps were really blown up by the end of the workout.

Monday, July 5, 2010

7/5 Quads & Calves

Fat: 58.6
Carbohydrate: 220.5
Protein: 224.4

Leg Extension: 65x10x2 sets
Back Split Squat: 145x8 ea.x3 sets, 145x6 ea.
Barbell Lunge: 65x10x2 sets
DB Sumo Squat: 100x10x3 sets
Calf Singles: 40x12x5 sets

Pretty good workout overall. Haven't done leg extensions in over a year, let alone use them to pre-fatigue the quads. Split squats killed my glutes. By the time I got to lunges my piriformis was so tight I could only get 2 sets. Definitely going to make sure I foam roll and do some activation exercises before lifting.
Eating was tough today for some reason, took me awhile to get each meal down.