Tuesday, September 7, 2010

9/7 Quads & Calves

Trap Bar Deadlift - 2 warms/255x6,265x6,280x6,290x10
Leg Extensions - 2 warms/65x10x2
Front Squat - 1 warm/165x8x3
Walking Lunge - 35x12x3
Seated Calf Press - 90x25x5

30 minutes on the bike @ level 3

Decided to remove back squat for the next 3 weeks and reduce spinal loading. Went with trap bar as my main exercise and am pretty satisfied with my open set, grip gave out so definitely time to invest in some chalk. Was thinking about going with back squat over front squat but decided that even though trap bar is basically a front squat from the floor I needed to give my spine a break for a few weeks. This prep is going to be a long one so trying to ensure it stays injury free. Walking lunges were a good finish, really worked on opening up my stride. Diet has been on point since the changes were made sunday.

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