Monday, July 7, 2008

7/7 Chest & Arms

Solid workout tonight. Told myself I would get past 6 on 35's for inc. db curl's and squeezed out a 7th rep.

Incline Bench Press: 115/14, 125/12, 135/10, 145/8, 165/6

Flat DB Bench: 45/10, 60/8/8

Chest Fly Machine: 95/12/12/12

Incline DB Curl: 20/12, 25/10, 30/8, 35/7!

Tricep Pressdown: 70/12, 75/10, 80/8, 85/6

Cable Curl: 70/10/10/10
ss w/
Lying DB Tricep Ext: 25/10/10/10

Crunches - 20/20/20

20 minutes on treadmill @ 3% incline and 3.7 mph

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