Saturday, December 13, 2008

12/13 Quads

DAMN!!Jacked is the truth. Been off of stims, creatine, beta alanine, and arginine for the past 4 weeks so I was really able to tell what this product can do. Took 3 scoops with 3 powerfull about 15 minutes pre-workout, 10 minutes into it, I felt the energy aspect full throttle, I was amped to crush some legs. I could barely rest between sets on leg extensions. I was ready to crush some heavy squats but my glute-ham tie in and inner quads were telling me hell no, some serious doms on the negative so I went with high rep squats (I normall have 3 days rest between squat sessions but I only had 2 this time around), I noticed I was catching my breath much quicker and there was not as an intense burning sensation as usual. I was crushing it so hard my legs were twitching by the time I hit the 8-10 rep mark on my last 2 sets. Workout was completely fast paced and it was the most intense quad workout I've had since prep ended. Even my forearms didn't fatigue as quickly as they do when holding the db's on step ups. which let me jump up 5 lbs from the previous workout and still hit my target range. Time to take this shit to a whole new level.

Leg Ext - 1 warm, 92.5/10/10
Squat - 1 warm, 145/20/20/16/15 (used thick bar so probably 150)
Leg Press - 1 warm, 540/12/12/12
Setp Ups - 35/11/10/12
Crunch & Knee Raise superset - 30/20, 35/20

20 min on treadmill @ 3% incline and 3.5 mph.

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