Wednesday, August 13, 2008

8/13 Chest & Arms

Great workout today. Moved some heavier weights and killed my chest with a drop set on incline bench. Chest was pretty toasted by the time I got to DB bench. Nailed target reps on incline curls and tricep press downs with perfect form so i'll make a jump up in weight next week. Making awesome progress on the lying db triceps extensions I'm really focusing on form much more than previous preps and lean mass phases, definitely contributing to my gains and progress this prep.

Incline Bench: 115/14, 125/12, 155/10, 185/7, 195/5 drop set 135/10

DB Bench: 45/10, 75/7/6

Chest Fly: 105/12/12/11 burn 90/8

Incline Curl: 20/12, 25/10, 35/8, 40/6

Pressdowns: 72.5/12, 77.5/10, 87.5/8, 92.5/6

Cable Curl: 105/10/10/8
ss w/
Lying DB Extensions: 35/10/8/7

Lying leg raises: 22/20
Hanging Knee Raises: 16/13
Reverse Crunches: 25

HIIT 5 min warm up, 10 sprints, 3 min cooldown

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