Monday, February 23, 2009

2/23 High Day 2

Awesome workout this morning. Had a great time going through my own evaluation test this past weekend. Right off the bat just from looking at how I stand, mike saw that I have an extreme external rotation of my right leg. After putting me through some active movements it became more evident when I attempted heel ups and my leg kept externally rotating. Learned about the Iliotibial Band and Tensor Fascia Latae and did some foam rolling to work the soft tissue and iron out the fascia that covers a large are of the quadriceps. It is amazing how much better my leg felt after and how much my form improved on the heel ups.

He then had me perform some body weight squats and found that as I reached parallel, my torso began to pull forward. Seems I have tight hip flexors as well, I then did some glute activiation to relax the hip flexors and performed body weight squats with my heels raised up, by the 5th rep my squat form was perfect. So I translated all of this into today's workout. Did some glute activation and hip flexor stretching in addition to placing my heels on top of a 5 lb plate for each foot. The rest of the workout was intense and got a killer pump to top it off.

Squats - 3 warms, 225/8, 245/8/8
Leg Curls - 2 warms, 80/8/10
Pull Ups - Body weight/8/7/6/4
Bent Rows - 2 warms, 205/8/8
Alt DB Curl - 1 warm, 40/8/5
Calf Press - 1 warm, 160/8/8

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