Friday, October 15, 2010

10/11 Quads & Calfs
Front Squat - 165x5, 185x3, 210x2
Leg Extension - 110x10x2
Goblet Squat - 90x12x3
Split Squat - 115x10x3
Calf Raise - 50x15x5

10/13 Chest & Tris
Bench Press - 165x5,185x3,210x5
Incline DB - 65x8x2
Dips - x17,14,10,9
Rack Push Up - x15,14
Tricep Press Down - 70x10x3, 60x8(drop set)
Tricep Extension - 60x12x3
30 minutes on bike

10/14 Back & Hams
Pull Ups - BW + 20x6x3
Deads - 215x5, 245x3,270x3
Bench Row - 160x8x3
Seated Row - 110x12x3
Leg Curl - 110x8x3
Single Leg Leg Curl - 45x12x3
30 minutes on treadmill

10/15 Delts & Bis
Seated Side Lateral - 20x8x3
Front Raise - 15x10x2
ss. w/
Rear Delt Face Pull - 60x12x2
Bar Curl - 85x6x3, 65x3(drop set)
Rope Curl - 60x10x3
15 sprints on bike

Energy has been getting lower and lower as the week goes. Pretty hard to get in the gym, don't even take bcaa's between meals because i don't feel like it, sometimes don't have dinner cause i just wanna go to bed. Not really sure what is going on. There are a few hours in the mornings and afternoons where I'll be good with energy levels and then other times I really crap out.