Friday, March 20, 2009

Weight: 166.8 (+4.8)
Waist: 33.25 (-.25)

Feeling bloated which is my best guess for the large jump in weight, although my waist did decrease so who knows.

Workout was pretty brutal. Went at the last 2 pairs of exercises pretty hard and almost lost my pre-workout meal. May have been the fact that I added a tbsp of almond butter to my usual rice cakes and whey. Form on cleans is coming together, may take some video and use a software program at school to break it down frame by frame and see what I can improve. Upped the difficulty on inverted rows by elevating my feet on a bench and adding a stepper to split squats for a deeper ROM.

There are these 2 guys that work out at the same time me and my friend do, twin brothers he's dubbed before and after because one of them is in shape and the other seems to be just starting out and seems like a before image of the brother. Feels like they try and compete with us because they do exercises we performed after we are done with them.

Cleans - 95/5, 105/5, 115/5, 125/5
super set w/
Incline Bench - 135/8, 155/8, 165/8, 175/8

Inverted Row w/ feet elevated (5 second negative) - body/5/5/5
super set w/
DB Split Squat - 25/5/8/8

Seated DB Shoulder Press - 45/10, 55/10, 60/10
super set w/
1 Arm Row to Hip - 50/10. 55/10, 60/10

10 min cool down on treadmill

Monday, March 16, 2009

Weight (from saturday): 162 lbs (-2 lbs)
Waist: 33.5 (-.25")

Gonna bump up the CHO by 15 g and add 5 g of fat.

Sick training today. Killed last week's squats numbers and got a killer pump all around. Did a couple of new exercises today and the change up was great. The negatives on the chin ups were killer and my lats were smoked by the time I got to inverted rows. Finished up with a nice 9 min stroll on the treadmill since my heart rate was racing.

Squats - 3 warms, 315/5/5/4
superset w/
Close Hand Pushups (3 second negative - Body/10/10/8

Chinups (10 second negative) - Body/3/2/2
superset w/
1 leg bench butt kicks (for da glutes) - Body/10/10/10 (each leg)

DB Reverse Lunges - 20/10/10/10 (each leg)
superset w/
Underhand Inverted Rows - Body/10/10/6

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

3/10 Heavy Day 4

Sick workout, wasn't too pumped about it heading into it but after squat warm ups it was on! Nailed 3 plates on squat for 4 solid sets and kept it going through the rest of the workout. Word!

Squats - 3 warms, 315/3/3/3/4
SLDL - 2 warms, 295/3/3
One Arm Rows - 2 warms, 80/5/5
CG Pulldowns - 1 warm, 180/3/3
Barbell Curls - 1 warm, 85/3/3

Monday, March 9, 2009

3/9 Heavy Day 3

WORD!! Hitting 225 for reps was a short term goal I set back in November after the Yorton and I crushed it today. 4th set felt stronger and smoother than the first set did and I couldn't believe how fast it went up. I was short on time so I dropped flat db presses. Focuses on form and hitting reps on everything else and that was accomplished as well.

Bench Press - 3 warms, 225/3/3/3/3
Side Laterals - 2 warms, 35/3/3
Front Laterals - 1 warm, 30/3/3
Triceps Press downs - 1 warm, 170/3/3
One Arm Triceps Extensions - 1 warm, 40/3/3

Friday, March 6, 2009

High Day 2

Weight - 164 (+.6)
Waist - 33.75 (-.25)

Dropping inches off the waist and going up in weight, doesn't get much better than that! It just feels like there is no stopping me every time I get in the gym. Squats were nice and smooth and had a killer pump in my back after pull ups. WORD UP!

Squat - 3 warms, 255/8/8/8
Leg Curl - 2 warms, 90/8/8
Pull Ups - body/8/8/5/5
Rows - 1 warm, 215/8/8
Alt DB Curl - 1 warm, 40/7/5
Calf Press - 1 warm, 160/10/10

8 min cool down on treadmill

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

3/4 Strength Day 1

Asteroid stack is in full effect! Weights keep moving up and I'm still hitting my target rep ranges. Kicked it up today and took 3 scoops of Jacked along with 1 gram of B.A. Finally got some Xtend and threw in a scoop with my pre-wo cocktail and drank 3 scoops during and post workout. Got a killer pump as usual and had the get it all cost attitude. Kept the same weight on side laterals from the last strength workout but the reps were much smoother and more controlled. My bench has always sucked and to be making the current progress as quickly as I am is unbelieveable

Bench Press - 3 warms, 185/8/8, 190/8
Inc DB - 2 warms, 75/8/5
Side Laterals - 2 warms, 25/8/8
DB Shoulder Press - 1 warm, 65/8/7
Tricep Extensions - 1 warm, 75/8/7
Rope Press downs - 1 warm, 100/8/6

5 min cool down on treadmill

Friday, February 27, 2009

Day 4

Weight: 163.4
Waist: 34

Definitely feel things are going to tighten up within the next few weeks. Got my macros back in check and noticing changes daily. I've been using the ADP protocol and the results have been rapid and insane to say the least. Felt like I could have just kept on going and going in the gym tonight and the last squat set went up easier than the first few working sets. Left the gym with a killer pump. WORD!

Squats - 3 warms, 285/3, 295/3, 300/3, 305/3
SLDL - 2 warms, 275/3/3
One Arm Rows - 2 warms, 80/4/4
CG Pulldowns - 1 warm, 170/3/3
Barbell Curls - 1 warm, 80/3/3

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

2/25 Heavy Day 3

Made some good gains from last workout despite a soreness in my left forearm mainly where my brachioradialis is. Most likely injured or strained it during monday night's game. It was a bit irritating during the bench movements so I dropped the 2nd set on db bench. Going to mega dose cissus a 8 caps a day to hopefully alleviate some of the pain. Word.

Bench Press (w/ thick bar) - 3 warms, 210/3/3/3/3
DB Bench - 2 warms, 80/5
Side Laterals - 2 warms, 35/3/3
Front Laterals - 1 warm, 25/3/3
Triceps Press downs - 1 warm, 170/3/2
One Arm Triceps Extensions - 1 warm, 40/3/3

8 min cool down on treadmill

Monday, February 23, 2009

2/23 High Day 2

Awesome workout this morning. Had a great time going through my own evaluation test this past weekend. Right off the bat just from looking at how I stand, mike saw that I have an extreme external rotation of my right leg. After putting me through some active movements it became more evident when I attempted heel ups and my leg kept externally rotating. Learned about the Iliotibial Band and Tensor Fascia Latae and did some foam rolling to work the soft tissue and iron out the fascia that covers a large are of the quadriceps. It is amazing how much better my leg felt after and how much my form improved on the heel ups.

He then had me perform some body weight squats and found that as I reached parallel, my torso began to pull forward. Seems I have tight hip flexors as well, I then did some glute activiation to relax the hip flexors and performed body weight squats with my heels raised up, by the 5th rep my squat form was perfect. So I translated all of this into today's workout. Did some glute activation and hip flexor stretching in addition to placing my heels on top of a 5 lb plate for each foot. The rest of the workout was intense and got a killer pump to top it off.

Squats - 3 warms, 225/8, 245/8/8
Leg Curls - 2 warms, 80/8/10
Pull Ups - Body weight/8/7/6/4
Bent Rows - 2 warms, 205/8/8
Alt DB Curl - 1 warm, 40/8/5
Calf Press - 1 warm, 160/8/8

Friday, February 20, 2009

2/20 Day 1

Had a muy bueno workout. Made some awesome gains from the last workout. Really getting focused on breaking some PR's throught out this strength/power cycle. Some weights were going up easy today, could be the prime kicking into effect (front load of 3x3 caps definitely has its benefits). Used the thick bar on bench so while i planned for a 175 load, it may have been around 180. Meeting up with Mike Ranfone (the CSCS i've been observing) tomorrow morning for an evaluation test he would put an athlete through so looking forward to that. Depending on what he has me do, I may hit the gym before work for day 2's workout.

Bench Press (thick bar) - 3 warms, 175/8/8/8
Incline DB - 2 warms, 70/8/8
Side Laterals - 2 warms, 25/8/8
DB Press - 1 warm, 65/8/5
Tricep Extensions - 1 warm, 75/8/6
Rope Press Downs - 1 warm, 90/8/7
Dragon Flags - 2 sets for 10 reps

5 min cool down on treadmill

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

2/18 Day 4 Low

Sick workout. I'm in love with the low rep day, the feeling of moving heavy ass weight is just awesome. Plan on bumping up to 295 on the next low day for squats, hoping to break the 3 plate mark within a few weeks. All the other movements felt great, maxed out the dumbbells on one arm row, either I'll find some crazy way to add more weight to the dumbbell or I'll start looking into another gym in the area that won't cost 40 a month.

Squat - 3 warms, 275/3/3/3, 285/3
SLDL - 2 warms, 245/3, 265/3
One Arm Row - 1 warm, 80/3/3
CG Pull downs - 1 warm, 165/3/3
Barbell Curl - 1 warm, 70/3/3
Calf Press - 1 warm, 180/3/3
Dragon Flags - 3 sets for 10

Monday, February 16, 2009

2/16 Low Day

WORD! Solid workout and love the change up of very low reps. Finally set with work and school so I will be lifting monday, wednesday, friday, and saturday or sunday. Started prime again today after a 2 week lay off so strength gains should be through the roof. Dosed 10 days at 9 caps followed by 6 for 8 weeks and had awesome results, will most likely run 9 caps a day to see if gains increase. Definitely have added a bit more fat than I planned on and will add in 2-3 short HIIT sessions as well as limit free meals to once or twice a week.

Bench Press - 3 warms, 205/3/3/3/4
DB Bench - 2 warms, 80/4/5
Side Laterals - 2 warms, 30/3/3
Front Laterals - 1 warm, 25/3/3
Triceps Press downs - 1 warm, 160/3/3
One Arm Triceps Extensions - 1 warm, 35/3/3

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

2/11 High Day #2

Solid workout for having an early morning. Observed one of the best strength and conditioning coaches in the Connecticut work with the softball team at my university from 6-7:30 this morning and had a great time watching him interact with the athletes and put them through their workout. I'll be observing twice more this Friday and coming Monday. After watching it first hand, I'm really looking forward to starting my career in the field.

Hit the gym around 9 for light day #2. Did squats on the smith and after my second set my quads and glute-ham area felt very tight and stretched, started out the third set but it didn't feel right so I moved on. Everything else felt great, nailed all my target reps and ready to get back in the gym on a more consistent basis now that I'm used to the workload from classes in addition to work.

Squats (on smith) - 3 warms, 235/8/8/3
Leg Curls - 2 warms, 75/8/8
Pull Ups - Body weight/8/7/6/3
Bent Rows - 2 warms, 185/8/10
Alt DB Curl - 1 warm, 35/8/8
Calf Press - 1 warm, 140/15/15

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

2/4 Day 1

Digging the new split. Felt good about the strength levels despite not being in the gym for nearly 2 weeks but definitely got a renewed feeling of drive and ready to grow some more lean mass. Finished up with a few sprints on the bike. WORD!

Flat Bench - 3 warms, 165/8/8/8
Incline DB - 2 warms, 65/8/8
Side Laterals - 2 warms, 20/8/8
DB Press - 2 warms, 60/8/8
Triceps Extensions - 1 warm, 70/8/8
Rope press downs - 1 warm, 100/8/8

2 min warm up, 5 sprints, 5 min cool down

Friday, January 16, 2009

1/16 Biceps and Hammies

A.M Weight

Wordddd, dope workout. Nailed all the rep ranges and destroyed the hammies the glute ham raises. Did a macro bumpage of 20 grams of carbs bringing me to 230 g. Killer pre-workout meal that I should've taken a pic of. Had a trader joe's bbq chicke w/ spinach on a tomato wrap along with a lumpby bumpy bar with a p-slin 15 mins before, its crazy how quickly i get pumps on p-slin.

Barbell Curl - 3 warms, 80/6/6/6
Alt Db Curl - 30/8/8/8
conc. curl - 20/12/12/12
Glute Ham - body/7/6/3/2
Leg Curl - 1 warm, 65/12, 75/12, 60/15

Thursday, January 15, 2009

1/15 Back

Sick back workout, short and really hit the spot. Wasn't sure how to do the close grip row and the gym I was at didn't allow old school t-bar rows so I used a cable tower and held my back parallel to the ground. Weighed myself at 152.4 today and should be similar tomorrow, if it ends up staying the same, i'll up the carbs by 20 g, if it goes down even more, i'll do a 30 g bump. Figured since I do calf presses once with each 3 day and 5 day, i'd used one day to focus on full rom and tut, and use today to do explosive positives with the upper half rom. Word

WG Lat Pulldowns - 3 warms, 135/6/6/6
DB Bent Row - 2 warms, 70/8/8, 50/12
Close Grip Row - 90/12/12, 95/12
Bent Rows - 155/15/15/15
Standing Calf Press - 3 warms, 175/20, 195/20, 215/20

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

1/14 Chest

Ill workout today, finished it in about 30 mins. Enjoying the new split, chest dips were killer after inc db and flat bench. Loven the x-reps, nice change up and adding a different element to the workouts. Trained at different gym and the db's felt heavier than the gym i normally got to. Word

Slight Inc DB - 3 warms, 75/6/6/6
Flat Bench - 2 warms, 175/6/6, drop set
Chest Dips - 7/8/8
Inc DB X-reps - 55/12/12/12

8 min cool down on bike

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

1/13 Quads

Snow storm this past weekend delayed starting up the 5 day split. Took monday off as well since we had a double header for flag football. Digging the new split and sissy squats are ill, loved the burn I was getting in my quads. Since focus is on the quads, kept feet low on the leg press and hitting parallel on squats. Calf still feels funny so not really sure whats up with it, been about 3 weeks where its causing pain whenever i sit down to do leg extensions. Since I can't think of a way to increase resistance on sissy squats I'll use a combo of increased time under tension and aiming for more reps. Word

Leg Press - 4 warms, 650/8/8/8
Squats - 2 warms, 285/6/6/6
Leg extensions - 1 warm, 105/10/10/10
Sissy Squats - 12/12/12
3 sets of abs
7 sprints on the bike

Thursday, January 8, 2009

1/8 Back & Delts

Feeling much better than yesterday. Still got a bit of a drip going on in the back of the throat but other than that all was good. Killed this workout in about 30 minutes and had to take it easy on the deads, hammmies were fried and started to feel overworked so i stuck with 2 work sets and a drop. That side lateral giant set was brutal dude.

WG Pulldowns - 3 warms, 127.5/6/6/6
Deadlift - 2 warms, 300/3/3, 225/5
DB Bench Row - 1 warm, 65/12/12
Upright Rows - 2 warms, 80/10/10
Side Laterals - 20/6, 30/6, 20/6

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

1/7 Chest & Arms

Felt like shit but still had a killer workout. Had some nauseousness going on the entire workout. word.

Slight Inc DB - 3 warms, 80/5/5/6
Chest Dips - 12/10/10/9
Flat Bench X reps - 135/12/12/11
BB Curl - 2 warms, 75/6/6, 60/7
Tricep Press downs - 2 warms, 135/6/6, 110/10
Rope Curls - 50/12/12/12
DB Ext - 30/11/10/10

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

1/6 Legs

Solid workout today. Definitely killed my quads and hams and enjoyed getting stiff leg deads in the program. Focusing on a slow negative with a very explosive positive. Word

Leg Press - 4 warms, 630/8/8/8
SLDL - 2 warms, 275/8/8/6
Squats - 135/15, 155/15, 165/15
DB Leg Curl - 1 warm, 35/10/10/10
Standing Calf Press - 135/20/20/20